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A joint initiative with the ministry of women & child development and Indian Railways, the railway childline project provides care and protection to children who are homeless, runaway, working, addicted or rescued from trafficking.


From March 2015, the ministry of women and child development and Ministry of Railway have jointly taken an initiative to ensure the care and protection, security and well-being of run-away, unaccompanied and trafficked children who come in contact with the railways. A standard operating procedure has been formulated and implemented in 20 major railway stations across the nation. In Howrah, a child help desk was set up as per SOP on 1st July 2015 to help missing, runaway, trafficked, child laborers, abandoned and unaccompanied children who are found in Howrah Railway Station. RCL  reaches out to the most marginalized children living in the platform with the aim of providing them rehabilitation and care. Our members help in identifying vulnerable children and bringing them into the safety net. Assistance to children includes protection of children from exploitation, sending them to child welfare committees and restoration efforts and linkages to long term rehabilitation services.


From May 2017, onward, Azim Premji Philanthropic initiatives is helping Howrah RCL to strengthen their services through prevention, intervention and linkages to long term rehabilitation services. The prevention-based activities focused on youth and the community; activities to promote their holistic development including physical and social development; the rehabilitation program on a long-term basis, including those children addicted to substance abuse and mainstream these children; and intervention of cases reported to child help desk.



Rescue children

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Immunization Program

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Temporary Shelter

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RCL 2021-22

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